

Sunday, August 16, 2009


School has started! CariAnn is now in High school, Lyndy is in Jr. High, Jake is in 5th grade, and Bryan is in 2nd grade. They have finished their first week at school and enjoyed it. CariAnn is on the high school swim team and loves it. Lyndy is in choir and doing a swim team 2 days a week at Lifetime Fitness, Jacob is playing the tuba in the school band, and Bryan is having a good time with his friends and new class.
Dave has a new job with Iron Mountain, and Autum is teaching piano lessons, and has a job at the nearby community college.
We're excited to see what this new school year brings.


This summer has been so busy, there's been no time for us to update. The boys and Autum went up to Utah at the beginning of June, while the girls were at girl's camp. (Dave was at work at the time) Then we had a couple weeks of fun, whatever. At the end of June, CariAnn went to California with some friends, and then in July the girls went to Utah.
It has been a super hot summer, full of swimming and fun.